Crystal just completed an exciting workshop at Maine Media College. Her description of her time there is below.
In August, I attended a workshop at Maine Media Workshops + College in Rockport, Maine. The workshop was Creating Visual Narratives instructed by Susan Burnstine. It was an intense one week workshop aimed at getting participants to realize the personal thread that runs through their work and to create new work with this realization in mind. Susan had us show work that inspired us as well as our own work, do free writing activities, focus on visual metaphors, and travel to different places while shooting each day. For me, we determined that my common thread or topic is "ties that bind." I focused on this topic throughout the week. My goal in attending the workshop was to create a new body of work and return to the very personal self-portrait work I had done previously. Through Susan's guidance, I feel I'm on the path to making that new work. The images I've included are some of my favorites from the week. These photos were taken at the Topsham Fair on the last day of shooting. I focused on using my reflection in combination with environmental elements in the different spaces to begin building on a narrative of my past and present.